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The Love Of My Afterlife
by Kirsty Greenwood

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This book came onto my radar as a GMA pick as well as a general romance new release. If you like The Good Place, you’ll love this book. Delphie is a solitary young virgin who dies along in her apartment after choking on a microwave burger. In limbo she gets a second shot at life when her handler attempts to play matchmaker and gives Delphie 10 days to kiss her potential soulmate. When she returns to her mortal like, Delphie pushes herself to make connections and finds joy and love in the most unexpected places. Several tropes play out and I loved the MC chemistry. There were a couple cringey moments of awkwardness but this book won me over by the end as reflected in my rounded-up 5 star rating.

My Life As A Cartoonist
by Janet Tashjian

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I liked this book because it had a really nice storyline because he was running his business good for a few weeks, then a new kid came and made his business run bad, then they chose to collaborate and run the business together. I would recommend my sister read this book when she's older because she'd like the storyline.

Katie The Kitten
by Kathryn Jackson

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My favorite part of the book is this part. Katie the kitten takes a nap in a basket. And the other part, an owl flies by and Katie the kitten tries to catch it.

Spider In The Well
by Jess Hannigan

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Cute story, fun characters, simple graphics. Clever!

Not In Love
by Ali Hazelwood

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Say it ain't so! It pains me to rate an Ali Hazelwood book 3 stars as she is such a consistent writer of enjoyable reads. Unfortunately, this book didn't really work for me. It had some of the makings of her classic formula for success: women in STEM and lots of heat. However, it felt like random story elements were put into a blender... chance encounter, sexual kinks, ice skating backstory, family dysfunction, food insecurity (which I appreciated for the representation!), unethical ladder climbing, good intentions, backstabbing and more! I felt totally jerked around from scene to scene. One second we're in a very explicit bedroom scene with the two super horny main characters putting their hypersexual physical attraction into overdrive (to the point of being crude at times). The next second we're in a boardroom protecting patents and battling over finances in a plot that felt scant and perfunctory for the first half of the book. The plot had a bit more meat to it in the final half of the book, but I just couldn't get past the instalove in this WIDE open door 50 Shades-channeling porno. I will still read everything Ali Hazelwood writes, but who would have thought I would enjoy a book with interspecies knot sex more than a STEM romance?!

The Funny Book (bobo And Pup-pup)
by Vikram Madan

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I like it because it teaches you to share and wait your turn.

No Brainer (diary Of A Wimpy Kid Book 18)
by Jeff Kinney

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i love this

And Then, Boom!
by Lisa Fipps

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I stumbled in this book when looking at a list of poetry new releases on Goodreads. I both listened to Michael Crouch’s audiobook narration while reading along to the ebook on kindle for this novel-in-verse by Lisa Fipps. This is a captivating middle grade read that highlights food insecurity and poverty through the eyes of comic book-loving Joe. This story tugged as my heartstrings as its lovable protagonist experiences hunger, houselessness, familial death, abandonment, and a harrowing natural disaster. Despite the tragic circumstances, this book is also filled with hope, friendship, love, bravery and light. I loved it and recommend it especially to young readers looking for humanity.

What Are The Winter Olympics?
by Gail Herman

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There are more sports for women in the Winter Olympics than in 1924, and there are more sports overall. Kids should read this book because it will help them learn about the Winter Olympics, and it will be really good if they like skiing and hockey.

Guardians Of The Louvre
by Jirô Taniguchi

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Fantastical dreamy graphic novel with hyper realistic artwork